Home Safety Tips While Away
1.) Valuable items, such as televisions, stereos, and computers should be inscribed with an identifying number unique to its owner (do not use your entire social security number).
2.) Create an up-to-date home inventory including make, model, serial numbers, other detailed descriptions, and photographs of items of value (including jewelry). This inventory should be kept somewhere safe, out of the house.
3.) If possible leave a light on in the home to give the appearance that someone is home.
4.) The motion detector or other alarm system (if you have one) should be activated when you leave home.
5.) Mail and newspaper deliveries should be stopped or arrangements for a neighbor/friend to pick them up should be made when you are away from home for a period of time.
6.) Ask a trusted neighbor to tend the yard, shovel the snow, and watch your home when you are away or have a trusted friend or relative house sit in your absence.
7.) Make sure all doors and windows are locked when you leave, even if you have an alarm system.
8.) Contact the Police Department (302-398-4493) to request extra patrols of your residence while you are out of town.